
Healthcare recruitment involves finding the best talent in the health industry, including doctors, nurses, and other workers in this sector.

Healthcare recruiting exercises have challenges with issues such as lack of readily available top talents and huge turnover rates at the top of the list. However, with a combination of diligence, creativity, and technology, you can achieve your goal of hiring some of the best talents in the healthcare industry. Also, you need to stand out from other healthcare organizations to connect with the most qualified candidates and drive their excitement to work in your company. 

10 Healthcare Recruitment Strategies

talent pipeline management for healthcare

Below are the top 10 healthcare recruitment strategies that will enable a successful hiring process, create an excellent impression of your organization, and hire the best healthcare professionals.

Improve your brand.

Whether you’re looking for experienced professionals or recent graduates, modern job seekers are most likely to research your healthcare organization before they send their applications or even accept job offers. You will need to work hard and develop ways of improving your brand or making it positive. The best way to do this is by highlighting the company culture, goals, values, and benefits. You will have to update these issues if you haven’t done so in years.

You will not want your potential hires or quality candidates to perceive you as outdated. Your branding should be highlighted across all aspects, including your website, social media, a physical presence in your waiting room or local health fairs, and other available platforms. You can also improve your employer branding by sending your top talent healthcare workforce to local medical and nursing learning institutions. 

Update your job listings.

It is possible to find that the job listings or templates you created years ago are outdated, and the jobs listed have either scaled or grown as your practice changed. You should make sure that the healthcare jobs you have described align with what the prospective candidates will perform once they’re hired.

You should carefully list the qualifications required from the potential candidates and the job descriptions. Should the certifications in the job listings require advanced degrees? Are the open positions for experienced healthcare professionals or candidates who have graduated from medical or nursing schools? You must clearly define the work descriptions in your job postings, listings, or careers page to get the right candidates. 

Evaluate your compensation, benefits, and work environment.

The healthcare recruitment process has become a competitive market for organizations in the industry to hire great talent from the few available quality candidates. To attract top talent in the healthcare field towards your way, you should evaluate your benefits and compensation packages and your work environment. You may consider raising the average salary as one of the measures.

Healthcare organizations should find ways to have favorable policies around flextime and telecommunication where possible. You can also talk to job candidates to find out their expectations regarding compensation, benefits, and work-life balance issues. Some candidates will prefer financial incentives as benefits, while others prioritize extensive training, mentoring, and career growth or development. 

Refine your healthcare recruitment process.

To get the best talent, you should refine your recruitment process as a healthcare or medical recruiter. This means applying modern techniques of advertising your job opening or filling positions in your healthcare organization. You might look like an outdated healthcare provider even if you’re not if you continue using old-fashioned recruitment processes.

You should refine your recruitment process and identify places that require change or improvement. You should leverage the processes and job listing platforms that will enable you to hire highly qualified or experienced healthcare professionals. Better recruitment processes will give you a competitive advantage in getting to a large talent pool of quality applicants. This will be especially important because, in recent years, there has been a critical shortage of highly qualified professional health providers.  

Post on popular boards.

You should identify popular job boards that will provide you with a large sea of qualified applicants, giving you a better chance to find the best recruiting healthcare professionals. These job boards will provide you with a flood of applicants. Focusing on a few job postings or recruitment platforms to hire practitioners, nurses, and other healthcare workers may not be a good option because you will get under-qualified or inexperienced candidates. 

Consider the internal network.

It is also wise to consider an internal network by talking to your staff about the job opportunities in your healthcare organization. Your team may be involved in healthcare groups that you may not have access to or know to exist, which they can use to share these positions. They may help you get more networks of highly qualified individuals for the healthcare talent that you need in your organization.

Use a multi-platform campaign.

In today’s competitive market, it is only wise to advertise your job openings on numerous platforms. You should utilize other platforms, such as social media, where you engage with most of your online consumers or potential healthcare employees. You can also use email advertising, print media such as local newspapers and popular health journals, and other platforms.

Think long-term in your healthcare recruiting strategies.

You must think long-term during your recruiting process. You’ll do this by placing top candidates that you will not hire in your current positions in your talent pool so that you can contact them in future job openings. You will be able to get great talent fast when you are looking for more healthcare professionals to fill up positions in the future. Communicating well with applicants who did not qualify for your current job will also leave your brand a good impression.

Find passive candidates.

Passive candidates are those individuals who are presently employed and not searching for work. This group of people is usually the most qualified and excellent option for open positions. You can personally get in touch with them through your network connections and even social media platforms. Showing interest in their talent can enable you to acquire great healthcare professionals in your organization. 

Partnering with a healthcare staffing recruiter.

Sometimes you may not get enough to engage in recruitment processes because of the busy schedule in your organization. The best thing you can do is to hire a healthcare recruitment agency. They are highly experienced in hiring processes and will greatly help focus on what you do best-medical practices.

Professional healthcare recruiters have the experience to get the best talent available through their excellent hiring tactics. They will source the best healthcare candidates during the recruitment using little money and time to hire the best workforce you can find in the market.

Why Use Our Healthcare Recruitment And Sourcing Services

sourcing candidates for the healthcare industry

At Velocity Resource Group, we are experienced recruiters in the healthcare industry. We will work with you to get the best possible talent in our recruitment processes which will take 30 days. Our services processes will include:

  • Rapid QAI (Qualified Available Interested) Candidates: This will involve sourcing and screening QAI candidates.

  • Velocity Passport: We will source in-demand talent for you from over 50 countries across six continents.
  • Velocity VIP: We will connect you with the top executive talent.
  • Diversity Sourcing: We have over 20 years of experience mastering key indicators to reach the targeted talent pool you need in your healthcare organization.
  • Velocity Builder: We will update or build qualified candidates for future recruitment purposes.  
  • Velocity Sync: We will use recruiting software such as CRM to ensure you have a pool of highly qualified candidates any time you need more workforce.
  • Candidate Acquisition Management: We will manage or help you with all the aspects of the hiring process, including sourcing candidates, scheduling interviews, and hiring.

Contact us today and let us help with your healthcare recruitment process while you focus more on your medical practices and other important aspects of your organization.